Village Highlights and Projects

Lakeside Outing to the Williams Creek Fish Hatchery

Village 2023 Christmas and Holidays

Halloween Party

The Village Program's Spooktacular Halloween Celebration
The Villagers at The Village Program came together on October 31st, 2023, to embrace the Halloween spirit and celebrate the spookiest day of the year in style. Decked out in a vibrant array of costumes, the residents and staff created a lively and enchanting atmosphere that brought merriment and laughter to every corner of our community.
The Village Program organized a range of interactive games that brought joy and excitement to everyone.
The Halloween celebration at The Village Program also provided an opportunity for members to showcase their culinary skills. . From caramel apples to pumpkin spice treats, the menu consisted of both traditional Halloween treats and some innovative surprises. As residents indulged in these delectable offerings, the air was filled with chatter and laughter, reveling in the joy of the present moment.
The Village Program's commitment to fostering a sense of community and inclusivity was evident throughout the Halloween celebration. The Village Program's dedication to creating an environment where everyone could join in the festivities was truly heartwarming.
The Halloween celebration at The Village Program was undeniably a remarkable success. It reminded us all of the power of coming together, embracing our creativity, and celebrating the joy of the present moment.

CopaOpoly Game

Lakeside Villages has been working on a board game based around the Lakeside Villages (including outings, groups, etc..)
You start with 3 trait cards that determine after a team vote if your trait characteristics fit that spot you land on you earn a copa cookie token.
You can lose cookies and swap traits along the way when you draw an outcome card. The board starts with the front door and ends with the departure door. Everything in between is
Villages related. The player with the most copa cookies at departure wins.

Plant Experiment

The Lakeside Village Site is conducting an experiment with plants. The plants in the room with the shades down are the “test subjects” no painted pots, and the members will be speaking negatively to these plants. The plants in the room with the window shades open are the plants they will be speaking kindly and positively to. They have painted the pots, given the plants names etc. we’ll see how the plants respond to the different environment.

Village Outing Gallery

Equine Therapy

Woodland Park